Saturday, July 18, 2009


Alabama is the hottest state ever. You sweat so much that your face paint melts right off your face. You slip and side so hard that your stomach aches for three days. You laugh so much that you stomach aches even more. You see God's face in the face of the children you teach about Abraham and Lazarus and the Creation story and Pentecost. You see hope in a white man embracing a black man. You cry during dinner when you break the bread and drink the cup with your fellow believers that you love and trust. You listen to "Revolution" so much and don't even care. You plan so carefully and are told that all the services were so meaningful. You wash feet. You leap for joy in your heart when kids remember you from the previous year. You repair completely unfunctional restrooms in a poor elementary school. You love your community and your Lord more and more and more.

I want to be back at school so I can sleep in.
Sweet irony.

God is so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like washing feet.