Sunday, September 27, 2009


Fact: Long before the sitcom "30 Rock"* was thought of, Wolf Parade once spoke about having tricks up the sleeve.

*My b. Thanks Claire.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"This Is The Day" - A Poem.

This is the day that the Lord has made.
But, alas, still two weeks til I get paid.
I stayed up really late last night,
and danced a lot - it was a sight.
I slept really quite well,
and had a friend over, it was swell.
It's kind of misty out,
and sort of chilly, but do not pout.
Because days like this I can wear boots,
later I might eat beans that cause the toots.
And I need to run errands still,
to Blockbuster, to Target, and to Goodwill.
Later I must read some books,
so in class I do not get frazzled looks.
Tomorrow will consist of church,
and climbing trees made of birch*.
This is the weekend that the Lord has given,
let us rejoice that we are livin'.

*this is the only word I could think of that rhymed with "church".

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weather Changes Moods. Tender Age In Bloom.

I have self-diagnosed seasonal depression.

It happens four times a year around the times when a new season is about to begin. It happened in high school, and has since continued into college. It's nothing personal and it doesn't mean that I love God and life and my friends and my family and the world any less than any other particular time. It just happens. And it's just meh. And it's just weird that it's happening so soon after a really cool weekend filled with cool things. And during a really cool week with really cool things going on.

Whenever autumn officially gets here I'll be alright.

Spring to Summer.
Summer to Autumn.
Autumn to Winter.
Winter to Spring.

It also probably has something to do with nostalgia. But that's a different blog for a different season.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Serp. I Just Made That Word Up On Accident.

I am glad I went to the beach blast but I am not glad I missed lots of things in Asheville this weekend.

I am at the point in my life where I have to make decisions.

And I can't decide if I like that or not.

Sometimes it's easier for people to just tell me what to do I think.

I think that if I'm supposed to "ask" and it will be "given unto me", then it's alright if I pray for big things to happen.

With big people.

In who knows where.

I think that I am super exhausted, as "vacation-y" as this weekend was.

It's okay to be friends with people who are different than me.

It's good that I am an individual and listen to better music than everyone else. But not admit that I don't like their music and just listen to it because they're individuals too.

It's alright to pray out loud and have the ocean's cry be the response.

You can be a willow tree, a pine tree, a palm tree, or any other tree in this love that is like a hurricane.

Your favorite Beatle can be Ringo or George and no one will judge you.

Basically what I am trying to say is that I should not have hooked my debit card up to itunes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Still Support Kanye West.

Kanye can mess with Taylor Swift as much as he likes, but the moment he says something about John Mark McMillan, I will have a bone to pick.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

If It's Not Your Typical Worship Song I Probably Will Like It More Than If It Is Your Typical Worship Song..

be glorified,
be magnified,
our El Shaddai,
praise Adonai,
we cry holy,
we cry holy,
we cry holy,


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

lifted (or the story is in the soil.)

A Few Thoughts That Are Too Long Too Twitter Because I Still Don't Have A Twitter:

I know that I have pointed this out on my FB status recently, but seriously. I keep waking up before my alarm. Everyday. The strangest dreams occur in the morning when you wake up and then realize you have a few minutes left to lay there in your nice, warm bed. Personally, these dreams consist of people I will more than likely see throughout the course of my day. Or situations that are more than likely going to play out during my day. For example, this morning I had a dream about today. And having to call someone for help and advice that probably wouldn't be first on my list. Then today I was having breakfast with Chels and she told me that this person had a "traumatic" experience two nights ago. This person kept calling people for help because she needed it. Maybe if she would have had my number I could have helped her out.. I need to be a better friend? Yes. I do. To everyone. Not just to a select few. I need to be a friend. Ideally I am a good friend. In reality I don't think I am. I need to walk the walk. I'm good at talking the talk.

What am I waiting around on? What's holding me back? There is something, I just can't put my finger on it.

This grammatially might not make any sense and might not flow but I'm just typing my thoughts as they come to me.

-I like soundtracking my day in my mind.
-It's stinks that professors get sick, but it's nice to have a little bit of a break during the day to recollect and meditate and read and call people and get things done that I should make time for but actually don't.
-I'm still going to listen to Bright Eyes.

(keep your ear to the ground.)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vids Galore Recently.

I don't know if anyone actually will watch these few videos I've put on this here blog lately, but you should. Jon Foreman is a thief of good words and lyrics.

You should then proceed to show this to your friends just as I am doing.

Then I will burn you a cd.

Which you then can copy and burn for your friends.

And then we all can just dance and rejoice in the goodness of God together. And know all of the words.