Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And We Never Saw Him Again..

I never, ever, ever want to forget this. Ever never ever.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hillsong Gets It. Everytime.

things couldn't be more twisted in my head and heart and mind and it's okay. it's so okay. earlier today i just felt so depressed and pressured about everything that's been happening lately and it took a toll how i interacted with people. like i don't even think a smile would have been possible. i allow satan to get too into my head and make me think things that aren't true. but God is so much bigger. it's so cool the way he is working in and around me. how could i ever doubt anything ever? seriously. it's so okay.

even you and even me.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Early Morning.

It's still rainy and chilly out and I shouldn't listen to sad music first thing in the morning but it's all good because it's bigger than that and the coffee is almost finished brewing.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


What am I considering?

Monday, October 12, 2009

If It's The Mountain's Bending Rivers, Then You Will Have Them.

I have a lot that I could say (or type, rather), but instead maybe this video will do the talking. It's not secretly suggested to any one person that may or may not ever be reading this blog, so I don't want anyone who sees this to think that. I just couldn't wait for the next mix CD opportunity for someone to pass it along. It's just good. It's heartfelt and brokenhearted. It's autumn and rainy. It's halfway there. It's confusion sung at it's finest. It's things we can't say (or type).
It's beautiful.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is That Possible?

A rough French to English translation:

They tell me that destiny makes fun of us,
that it gives us nothing and that it promises everything.
It seems happiness is at hand,
so we tend the hand and we find ourselves crazy.


Tiredness has a way of hitting me at 2:52:43 pm everyday. Or so it seems.

I am glad my friends all exchange music. Sometimes I put stuff on my computer that I don't even listen to once, but then on the off-chance of a lucky shuffle, something will play and I'll just become obsessed with it for about thirty minutes. Or just long enough to type a blog about how intriguing it is.

Overall, the past 24 hours have been a complete emotional roller coaster. So much is happening to me and being said to me. I don't even know what to pray about sometimes. Sometimes I don't even know if I could formulate my thoughts in to a legitimate sentence that would make sense to anyone if I said it out loud. Fortunately, God is able to hear past the babble and rambling I might make and know what's up in my heart and mind and soul and body.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel and it is my porch light.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Interesting 2.

God is crazy big.

Like, awesomely crazy big.

Like, crazy love.