Wednesday, September 22, 2010

true things.

so there once was this dude named Moses.

and he one cool dude.

he was a shepherd, of all things.

a shepherd.

but God saw something different in Moses. something special. something useful.

and so God spoke to Moses. through a burning bush. on Holy ground.


and Moses says, "but who am i to do all this?"

and so i propose the same question. "who am i to do all this?" i'm just a college student. living here on a campus, where i am pushed and stretched and find no balance sometimes.

how was i chosen to receive a Love so fulfilling and unfailing?

(it's because i am worthy of Love so fulfilling and unfailing...among other things..)

so why is it that i let sleep overtake me when my soul, spirit, and body all long to be awake?
to be living? to be loving, serving, helping, guiding...

so i guess that i've just been sleeping most of my life. God's love has awakened me, but sometimes i find myself drifting off...what's going to spark it again?

am i content? am i settled? am i enough? am i spiritually aware enough to lead? to Love? to plan, prepare, and guide others? to be an example? the questions are endless and open-ended. and not knowing full answers makes me uneasy.

but i know that God equipped Moses with the things he needed.
(a hand, a staff, the Nile, and his brother. thanks, camp.)
and so i can't help but trust that God is going to provide me with that i need.

i read a quote today that i really enjoy. and i heard a song that i really like. and i read and thought about Moses a lot.

'those who have shaken off sleep eventually become all awake within.'

i hate that once things start to look on the brighter side, one small piece of information can just shoot it all out the window and make me slide backwards. where is this all going?

i want to be awake for the next 60+ years.

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