Sunday, January 10, 2010


I have the tendency to embed a particular song into every situation.
Every person.
Every event.
Every memory.
Every emotion.
Every feeling.

Music is easy to associate people to.

There are some songs that hit the nail on the head so much.

I listen to them over. And over. And over. Every note and word is precisely how I think and feel and AM. How I AM.

These words and cords become so ingrained into every fiber of my being, so that upon every listening of them I still feel every sting and tear and shout and happy. It's almost enough to make the blood in my veins run cold because of the eerieness of how intensely music can make me feel.

I will forever be indebted to Conor Oberst for soundtracking my life's events and feelings with every album Saddle Creek produced.

You might hate this but it describes a lot about my existance during high school. Even the skateboard footage. Hearing it now makes me want to puke.
I think I am going to buy the whole album off iTunes.
Remember, God judges, not you.

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