Saturday, August 14, 2010

a summer-ization

i guess now is the time i have to write in here the past three months.

i don't know where to begin. working camp was one of the best, most trying, difficult, inspirational, and confusing times of my life. for 8 weeks i lived in a community of people with the same job/goal as me: produce a good camp; let God use you so people can experience God; work with a team. all these things are positive. all of things were accomplished. all of these aspects were difficult as junk to accomplish though. there were definitely disagreements, tears, anger, frustration, and all other sort of roadblocks. but overall, looking back, camp was a good experience. i grew to know and love 13+ staff members in an environment that will never happen again. our experiences were unique, and that's one of the best and hardest parts of the whole thing. i know that if i want to work camp again, it's not going to be the same as this past year. the people, places, everything will be different. i know that this is my own fear of comfortability and change coming through, but still.

i guess i had fun. i know i had fun. even with all the bad parts. it made our camp 'our camp'. our experience unique.

now i begin another time that i fear will come to an end just as quickly as passport did. for this my heart aches for time to slow down. give me time to rest, give me space to be. exist. be with people i love. learning. loving. sharing. thinking. feeling. trusting. being. living.

i want to live.

to close, the song that best reminds me of the summer:

1 comment:

sarah grace. said...

i'm happy to see your words on shine a light again.