Wednesday, September 9, 2009

lifted (or the story is in the soil.)

A Few Thoughts That Are Too Long Too Twitter Because I Still Don't Have A Twitter:

I know that I have pointed this out on my FB status recently, but seriously. I keep waking up before my alarm. Everyday. The strangest dreams occur in the morning when you wake up and then realize you have a few minutes left to lay there in your nice, warm bed. Personally, these dreams consist of people I will more than likely see throughout the course of my day. Or situations that are more than likely going to play out during my day. For example, this morning I had a dream about today. And having to call someone for help and advice that probably wouldn't be first on my list. Then today I was having breakfast with Chels and she told me that this person had a "traumatic" experience two nights ago. This person kept calling people for help because she needed it. Maybe if she would have had my number I could have helped her out.. I need to be a better friend? Yes. I do. To everyone. Not just to a select few. I need to be a friend. Ideally I am a good friend. In reality I don't think I am. I need to walk the walk. I'm good at talking the talk.

What am I waiting around on? What's holding me back? There is something, I just can't put my finger on it.

This grammatially might not make any sense and might not flow but I'm just typing my thoughts as they come to me.

-I like soundtracking my day in my mind.
-It's stinks that professors get sick, but it's nice to have a little bit of a break during the day to recollect and meditate and read and call people and get things done that I should make time for but actually don't.
-I'm still going to listen to Bright Eyes.

(keep your ear to the ground.)

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