Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weather Changes Moods. Tender Age In Bloom.

I have self-diagnosed seasonal depression.

It happens four times a year around the times when a new season is about to begin. It happened in high school, and has since continued into college. It's nothing personal and it doesn't mean that I love God and life and my friends and my family and the world any less than any other particular time. It just happens. And it's just meh. And it's just weird that it's happening so soon after a really cool weekend filled with cool things. And during a really cool week with really cool things going on.

Whenever autumn officially gets here I'll be alright.

Spring to Summer.
Summer to Autumn.
Autumn to Winter.
Winter to Spring.

It also probably has something to do with nostalgia. But that's a different blog for a different season.

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