Monday, February 1, 2010

I'll Just Wait Without Saying A Word.

There are always two sides to any given situation.

There's right and wrong. Left and right. Up or down. Black or white.

Yes or no. Love or hate.

One thing that frustrates me the most is the grey area. The space in between the right and wrong, black and white, and yes or no that gives a little bit of wiggle room. Or a little bit of time.

The grey area shouldn't be there. We've placed it there ourselves. We've made the easiest of decisions into the most massive, drawn out situations. Sometimes this grey area is necessary, like being indecisive about a wedding gown or buying a puppy.. But even in those intances, there is always an initial gut reaction. The breath that stops in your lungs when you see yourself in the mirror or when that adorable puppy locks eyes with you and you know its meant to be.

There are feelings that are felt about everything.

Things can either happen or not happen.

Black or white.
Love or hate.
Yes or no.

And I'm trying to be content with God. Especially if this time period is a God induced grey area. But its so hard to see any light at the end of a tunnel you've been wading through for the past several months, even if it has been happy wading. At times miserably happy, but happy nonetheless.

I got a summer job today and I felt like crying when I heard the news. It's the first big thing God has done in my life in weeks, I think.

It's common for God's thing to be different then what I think my thing should be. I GET THAT. I know that. I just wish God would tell me his thing so that I could make my thing his thing and then all our things would match up and I wouldn't have to be so anxious and concerned about it anymore. I know he's in control and that's the worst thing you can say to anybody in any situation.

God's in the black and white and yes and no and grey and maybes and I don't knows.


But I'm just tired of running around. I'm tired of the grey and the maybes and I don't knows. I'm needing some words, some concrete, some something that lets me know what's up and what I need to be thinking/feeling/saying/doing about this.

Summer feels like forever ago but it's creeping up on us and then where will that leave us?

I hate I am the only one still blogging.

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